What is Walk and Talk Therapy?
Walk and Talk Therapy is a unique practice that combines traditional talk therapy with the physical exercise of walking. The therapy session is held outdoors as the therapist and client walk and talk together strengthening the connection between mind and body.
Who would benefit from Walk and Talk Therapy?
Anyone experiencing:
- Anxiety-exercise can reduce stress and anxiety
- Depression-positive “feel good” endorphins are released
- Trouble sitting still and would rather be moving.
- That feeling of being “stuck” and are needing a fresh perspective.
- Overwhelming feelings and/or do not know where to begin.
- Moms with babies who need fresh air and to move their stroller
- Grief and Loss
3 key reasons for combining exercise and therapy according to Kate Hays in “Working it Out”:
- It encourages one to be more physically active for mental and physical reasons.
- It helps a client get “unstuck” when confronting difficult issues.
- It spurs creative, deeper ways of thinking often released by mood-improving physical activity and positive mind chemicals called endorphins.
Additionally she states, “Some clients may become anxious when confronting something difficult in a traditional seated, face-to-face interaction.” “Walking in parallel with visual distractions may allow for easier engagement.”
It is found that Movement propels people forward — literally and figuratively.
Walking also stimulates both sides of the brain (bilateral stimulation) to promote and maintain mental health.
How does it Work?
The first time we meet will be at my office for an initial session. After that, sessions will be outdoors in a safe, public space, usually on a trail.
What if I don’t want to Walk and Talk every session? Or what if I find that I don’t really like it?
You always have the option to take the session back to the office. It’s your choice whether we go outdoors or remain indoors! Ultimately, it’s about what feels best for you.
“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”
–John Muir
What about Confidentiality?
Confidentiality will be protected as much as possible in a Walk and Talk session as it is paramount to the process of therapy, however, I cannot guarantee that someone will not overhear us. If we happen to notice someone either of us knows, we can adjust our route and conversation as necessary. It is my policy to not introduce clients to others and I allow my clients to make that decision for themselves as well.
(720) 295-5823 | lisa@brighterpathscounseling.com
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